Client Fundraising Campaign Request Many clients who fundraise have us set up a fundraising page on our website so people can make donations directly to EENP to support their placement. Here are a few of those pages to help you plan your own: Name* First Last Email*Please enter the email address where you would like to receive confirmation that we received your request. Client's Name (if different) First Last Banner PhotoPlease provide a photo for the top of the page. This photo will be cropped to be about 4x as wide as it is tall, so a photo that works as a panorama is best. The bottom third of the picture will be covered by text. You can submit several options if you are not sure what will work. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 512 MB. Campaign Goal*This will be displayed as a goal on the page and is set by the client. This can be more or less than the placement fee you expect to owe, and can include the training seminar fee. Please note that all funds raised on this campaign will stay with EENP and cannot be used to pay outside expenses such as your own travel/lodging/meal expenses during training, nor can they be transferred to another client's campaign. Any funds raised in excess of what you owe will be used to credit against any outside service area fees you owe in the first year of placement. Any funds beyond that are gratefully used by EENP to cover the difference in cost between the placement fee and the actual cost of training, placing, and supporting an assistance dog. Clients who set their sights high and raise money in excess of the fees they owe are helping to subsidize the cost of assistance dogs for all of our clients and we are extremely grateful to you! If you choose to do this, you may want to include a note in your narrative explaining what you have done.Narrative TitleUnless you want something different, we will use "About Jane Smith" (substituting the client's name, of course!).Narrative Text*Please provide text about yourself, your condition, and what you hope a dog will help you with. This text should make sense even if the reader doesn't already know you, and should help them understand how an assistance dog will change your life.News or Media LinksPlease provide links to any news stories, YouTube videos, or other internet sites where people can learn more about you and your campaign.Photos and VideosUpload any photos or videos that you would like included in a gallery on the fundraising page. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 512 MB. Other Fundraising Campaign Links*We need to review and include links to any outside fundraising campaigns you or friends have set up for your service dog (such as through GoFundMe) so that donors can see where else you are getting support. If you have outside fundraising efforts that don't have links, just explain what those are here. If you don't have any outside fundraising efforts, just say that here. If you do not enter any links, you are certifying that you do not have any outside fundraising efforts.