Eyes Ears Nose and Paws gratefully accepts donations of stocks and mutual funds. Please consult your tax professional to learn what benefits a donation of appreciated securities may provide in your situation.

Your gift of stocks or mutual funds supports EENP's mission of partnering people with dogs to improve lives.

How to Donate Stocks or Mutual Funds to EENP

It's a simple two-step process to make a donation of securities!

You must initiate a donation of stock by contacting your own broker. Let your broker know that you would like to make a donation of stock to Eyes Ears Nose and Paws. Your broker will need the following information to complete the transfer:

Name of EENP's Broker: Charles Schwab
Account Registration: Eyes Ears Nose and Paws, Inc.
Account Number: 3437-5127
DTC Number: 0164
Tax ID: 61-1436221
EENP Phone Number: 919-408-7292

You will also need to notify EENP of your intent to donate. You can do this by clicking on Step 2 to fill out a form.

Notify EENP of a Securities Donation

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