Puppy Caregiver Request

Young Puppy Trainers and Furlough Trainers should use this form to request backup care for their pups. Please submit requests as far in advance as possible. You will receive information on who to coordinate with for drop-off and pick-up. Please follow up directly with EENP if you have not gotten this information by a week before the care starts.

"*" indicates required fields

Check if this is an edit to a previous request
If the new request differs significantly enough that we won't be able to connect it to the old request, give more details in the notes at the bottom.

Care Details

--- Care Start Information ---

Care needed starting*
Start time*
If none of the listed times are appropriate, enter the specific time in the "other" option.

Who will gather equipment for the caregiver?*
Young puppy trainers generally supply equipment. Furlough trainers generally supply equipment if the care period is entirely within the furlough week, but may need EENP to supply equipment if they won't be handling both ends of the exchange. If EENP provides equipment and the dog and equipment are handed off to you, please be sure equipment is returned to EENP promptly!

Where should the exchange at start of care period happen?*
We're now assuming you will work out hand off details directly with the caregiver after we let you know who is assigned, except in specific cases where it makes sense for EENP staff to handle the hand off. The most common reasons the exchange happens at EENP are if the dog is being picked up from young puppy school or ABEL furlough transport, or if the caregiver needs to get equipment from EENP. You are always welcome to meet at EENP if that feels safer for you, but if EENP staff won't be involved in the transfer please choose "arrange directly with trainer" and then let the caregiver know you want to meet at EENP when you are first connected with them. Enter details in "other" if you have an unusual situation that doesn't fit either option.

In most cases, dog exchanges should happen at the EENP office. Please let us know here if there's a reason the exchange should happen elsewhere.

--- Care End Information ---

Care needed until*
End time*
If none of the listed times are appropriate, enter the specific time in the "other" option.

Where should the exchange at end of care period happen?*
We're now assuming you will work out hand off details directly with the caregiver after we let you know who is assigned, except in specific cases where it makes sense for EENP staff to handle the hand off. The most common reasons the exchange happens at EENP are if the dog is being dropped off for young puppy school or ABEL furlough transport, or if the caregiver needs to return equipment to EENP. You are always welcome to meet at EENP if that feels safer for you, but if EENP staff won't be involved in the transfer please choose "arrange directly with trainer" and then let the caregiver know you want to meet at EENP when you are first connected with them. Enter details in "other" if you have an unusual situation that doesn't fit either option.

In most cases, dog exchanges should happen at the EENP office. Please let us know here if there's a reason the exchange should happen elsewhere.

Dog Details

If you don't know what dog you will have when care is needed, please explain:

Need help calculating dog's age? Enter the pup's date of birth and the start of care date at timeanddate.com/date/duration.html to calculate the age! (Link opens in a new tab/window so you won't lose what you've entered so far.)
Is your pup scheduled/expected to come in to the office for daytime care during the care period?*
If yes, please give details in the "other" option. If you need to provide more detailed explanation, you can add more detail in the "Notes" field below.

Does your pup have a vet appointment during the care period?*
If yes, please give details in the "other" option. If you need to provide more detailed explanation, you can add more detail in the "Notes" field below.

Please flag for us if: the dog is part of our breeding colony; if the dog is expected to be pregnant or preparing for breeding; if you have already identified someone who can care for the dog pending our approval; or anything unusual about the care request or dog.

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